Putting the Person in Personal Service – A Chris Ochs Story

Putting the Person in Personal Service – A Chris Ochs Story

Coming from a small family construction company with a loyal customer base, one of many things we were taught first and foremost was Customer Service.  Absolutely no business will survive without the customer.  Satisfied customers will usually return as repeat customers, but unsatisfied customers won’t return at all, and are the first to tell their friends about the bad experience they had.  And today, the ability to spread the word about a bad experience is all too easy, thanks to online resources.  Ironic, considering more and more companies are based online, and it’s my observation that with that shift, customers are lost in the shuffle, thus creating a broader possibility for poor customer service.  Take for example so many companies passing their customer service off to offshore facilities – it’s often difficult to understand what those customer service representatives are saying, let alone convey our problems and get them solved.  I guess I should be glad someone is answering the phone and trying to help – no matter how large or small, a business should have someone available via phone.  Being old school, there are many times I just want a live voice to answer the questions I have and prefer not to play the email game.  Car Corral is not looking to reinvent the wheel, but we will persevere to keep the tire inflated.